Opportunities lost, Lessons learned
Alone, on an evening tea, I often ponder upon the blunders I actually committed knowingly or unknowingly, in my life till date. Oblivion is a stealthy and gradual torturer. I realized it innumerable times during my undergraduate years. I simply craved for mentorship- if only somebody could have told me about this scholarship or if only somebody told me how significant competitive programming was!
I really want to pass on this message to the people who are still freshmen and want to explore all avenues, academically as well as extra-curricularly. I implore to you to reach out to your seniors at college before you reach a point from where there is no turning back in life. For, to make it to the pinnacle in your field, you need to start in your freshmen year itself. The main aim here is to make my female juniors help realize the fact that there are so many scholarships, hackathons and whatnot for the female coders. Following are the links to few of those opportunities which I realized to have missed at the right time, oblivion you know.
- https://www.learnitgirl.com/ [ideal for first-years to become mentees]
- https://www.womentechmakers.com/scholars
- https://my.hackmit.org/
- http://pennapps.com/
- https://ghc.anitab.org/
- Linkedin Wintathon
- Microsoft Codess
And the list is endless. My advice to all is to keep groping for the opportunities, for they are infinite. To make most out of the arena, the size of the arena does not matter, what matters is how well do you make use of that arena.
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