We aren’t safe — inside or outside!
Hearing about the recent Priyanka Reddy case has indeed sent shudders down my spine! People are simply comparing it to the Nirbhaya case of 2012 and attributing it as the casualty on the part of the government for merely 7 years. Browsing my youtube, I came across innumerable such cases dating back to the 20th century as well. The situation is still the same even after decades, to be exact.
Not only were females assaulted brutally while they were out just like normal citizens but also they were treated exactly the same way even inside their homes in broad daylight. This questions their very existence in this world. Some people think the best way to keep us safe is to lock us in but delving into the past, they should realize that it is not the females who are the wrongdoers but the root cause is engraved in the minds of the males of our society. These males commit such heinous crimes that won’t ever even cross the minds of a normal human. They have been untouchables to humanity and thinking in such a horrendous way is second nature to them.
A case occurred in 2012, again in 2019 and many more such cases occur every day only the females are afraid to come out. They do not trust the system that is responsible for safeguarding us. The only irony is whenever such an incident occurs, it is only ‘one more such case’ for the rest of us. There is a lot of hustle and bustle for a couple of months and then everything is back to normal. The family with which the recent case happened wouldn’t have even imagined that something heinous would occur to them after the 2012 gangrape case and tomorrow it might be somebody who is your loved one. People tweet, hold candle marches and to no end. The perpetrators are still out there conspiring the next big gang rape. The worst part being they are wolves in sheep's clothing. They can be your friends, family, colleague but females you must always wear your guard up.
We need a solution! A solution that doesn’t rely on a third party to provide us safety but should be instantaneous for the female to get rid of the miscreants on the spot. We are living in a society where there is a safe haven for people who commit a crime but not for the ones who are it’s direct or indirect target. Probably because the people know how to commit a crime but do not know what will it lead them to when that crime is revealed and becomes a national headline. We are getting killed simply because we stepped out of our homes to study, work or shape our careers then it is all the more outrageous.
The cost of somebody’s life is the greatest but humanity has exceeded all the limits of cruelty. It time and again reminds us how life can be made miserable even while on earth. People talk of hell — a post-death concept when everything really exists on earth itself. The humans are making this earth a difficult place to live in for all the creatures that are helpless in front of them — females belong to this category too. When those ruthless humans have meted out such atrocity to our kind why can’t they be treated the same way. Injustice knows no bounds as it is reared by a lot of external factors. Let us think of a solution ourselves together that makes this earth a fearless place to live in. In the end, being humane is all that matters!