Why should you learn to code for Quantum Computers?

2 min readAug 18, 2020


Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

If you are reading this article chances are that you are already well versed with Quantum Computing or at least have some knowledge around it. I have been reading about Quantum Computing for around a year now and drafting my learnings into interesting stories. You can find some here.

Not a lot of people are talking about Quantum Computing in India! Did you hear your neighbors talking about it? Or your neighbors’ neighbor? Quantum Computing is still to become a trend in India. Also, there are not a lot of resources available online that guide you to begin with quantum programming. Leaving all the discomforts behind, where there is a will, there is a way, right?

I finally resolved to begin coding in Quantum. Qiskit is my first choice of framework for this field as the Qiskit community is quite active. You can join the slack community here.


So you might ask why should we not continue to code in the traditional coding languages like C++, Java, or any other high-level programming language for the classical computers. To that, I would answer that you must continue to code in those languages because I do it too. Obviously you cannot let go of those languages all of a sudden but learning to code in a Quantum Computing Framework is equally important. I cannot stress enough about the deficit existing currently in the Quantum Computing workforce. So it makes sense to pick some framework and then begin coding to build applications that can run on Quantum Computers.

Some of my motivations were the following:

🚅Build applications from the scratch in a totally new field about which nobody has extensive practical knowledge.

🚅Learn something exciting and run code on actual Quantum Computers hosted on the cloud by IBM.

🚅Create awareness about this field on the application side of it.

These were some of my motivations which helped me get started with learning Qiskit and begin to code in the same. I know there is no better time to get started with the same. To begin with I have begun following Qiskit’s tutorials by IBM on youtube but how extensive it becomes only time can tell. I will begin creating tutorials about my learning and guide you through to help you pick the framework up along with me.

Were you motivated too after reading this article? Give a shoutout 😜 in the comments section but before that clap 👏 for this article for 5 seconds ❤️




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